Spring Steelhead Eggs and Milt Collection
Steelhead Egg Collection takes place in April and May on the Saugeen River at Denny’s Dam near Southampton, Ontario. Volunteers collect and provide approximately 600,000 healthy migratory steelhead rainbow trout eggs and milt to our partner fishing club for fertilization, hatching and rearing at their trout hatchery operation in Kincardine Ontario (Lake Huron Fishing Club – see below for more information).
Annual Fall & Spring Steelhead Derbies
The Ontario Steelheaders’ Spring Steelhead Derby is held on the Saturday following the Ontario Rainbow Trout opener while the Fall Steelhead Trout Derby is held the Saturday following Thanksgiving in October. Both derbies are held at Denny’s Dam Park on the Saugeen River in Southampton Ontario.
The derbies are social events for members, families and friends to enjoy the fishery and meet new and old friends. Cash prizes and trophies are awarded in three categories: 1. the largest rainbow trout, 2. Largest live trout release upon authentication of length and girth measurements and 3. a junior category for largest rainbow trout. A Barbecue, presentation of awards and a prize draw is the highlight of the day. More Information about our Fall/Spring Steelhead Rainbow Trout Derbies »»
Fundraising for the Cause
The Ontario Steelheaders perform many fundraising activities throughout the year with all proceeds used in our conservation efforts.. Donations to rainbow trout hatcheries, affiliate clubs, school groups for various conservation activities such as tree planting and stream rehabilitation projects are typical of the things the Ontario Steelheaders support both financially and with participation.
Volunteer Work Days
On occasion, affiliate organizations call on the Ontario Steelheaders for hands-on help. Work days may include trout fin clipping every spring at the LHFC hatcheries, tree planting, stream rehabilitation and protection work, clean-ups and so on. Whatever the need, the Ontario Steelheaders has a reputation of always stepping up to the plate to help. Help wanted notices are posted on this website and on our Facebook page. See the Ways You Can Get Involved! »»
Lake Huron Fishing Club Partnership

In partnership with the Lake Huron Fishing Club (LHFC) we’ve entered a co-operative stocking program. Each spring, up to 110,000 Steelhead trout eggs are provided to their hatchery facilities in Kincardine, and Port Elgin Ontario, where they are hatched and reared for one year. We release approximately 70,000 yearling rainbows annually each Spring.
This project is the most significant advancement for Steelhead populations in the Saugeen in well over 30 years. The volunteers from both clubs, too numerous to name, are the real heroes in this project! The bottom line is that the restocking program and the Saugeen world class fishery would never have happened if not for them. Words simply cannot express our gratitude to everyone!
The Ontario Steelheaders received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources in Recognition of Accomplishments in Advancing Resource Management. The Ontario Steelheaders is a very active organization which has earned a number of awards.
Committee Meetings
Meetings are chaired by the President, and include status reports by each of the Directors. Reports are also received from various members with respect to the outside organizations and committees they liaise with on behalf of the Ontario Steelheaders. Meetings may also include a presentation by either a member or a representative of an outside group. These have included demonstrations, videos and verbal presentations by local fishing guides and Ministry representatives.
Denny’s Other Fisheries Involvement
Many Ontario Steelheaders are actively involved in other organizations in an effort to ensure that the various projects of each organization follow an overall plan to improve rainbow trout access, habitat, and populations.
Denny’s Dam Park on the Saugeen River
In co-operation with the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority the Ontario Steelheaders manage Denny’s Dam Conservation Area. The park is a campground with access to the Saugeen for anglers, and canoe and kayak enthusiasts. The park can accommodate a limited number of RV overnight stays. Modest user-fees are charged during the season with all surplus funds directed to our fisheries enhancement and conservation efforts. Park Fees, Map and More
Adult Steelhead Fish Transfer (discontinued by the MNR in 2016)
At one time the Ontario Steelheaders transferred adult steelhead taken from the fishway at Denny’s Dam 85 kilometers upstream on the Saugeen River around the Maple Hill Dam to the prime spawning beds and nursery habitat of the North Saugeen. The adult steelhead trout were transported in our customized “Steelhead Express” trailers. It has been eight years since we were told to stop transporting adult fish and we are waiting for MNR’s report on the impact of discontinuing transporting fish on the steelhead population. The effectiveness of the Maple Hill fishway is questionable at best and we would welcome the return of the fish transfer pending a thorough study of the steelhead’s ability to reach good spawning beds and it’s effect on the wild population of steelhead. We are convinced that steelhead would become self sustaining in the Saugeen if this can be achieved.