Truax Dam No Longer Exists
Hi Karl.
We have a position from the MNRF about the regs and the fact that the Truax Dam no longer exists as a barrier or has a fish ladder etc. Please see below and share with OS if you like.
Todd Craig MNRF
To Kelly
I have had a chat with Conservation Officer Zadworny for his enforcement perspective – also chatted with our supervisor Tracy and fish and wildlife staff Ben.
The overall consensus is:
1. page 13 under general fishing regulations no longer applies as there is no obstruction, fishway or leap
2. page 119 will stand as it is – there will continue to be a extended season as usual starting at the remnants of the dam
Tracy has contacted the policy folks in Peterborough and it is too late to change the regs for 2020 so they will read the same as they do for 2019 we may request changes to the extended season starting line – could be the “remnants of the dam”, could be the highway bridge or some other obvious visual marker along the river in that area that will show up in the wording for 2021.
Hope that helps
Craig Todd
Partnership Specialist
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry
Midhurst District/ Owen Sound Field Office
1450 7th Ave. E. Owen Sound, ON N4K 2Z1
Hepworth Anglers Club 2019 Spring Update
The Town of South Bruce Peninsula at the Volunteer BBQ on May 14, 2019, Hepworth Anglers Club President, Tony Amorosa was the recipient of a Volunteer of the Year Award for 27 years of personal guidance and stewardship.
Heather Barnes, is the recipient of the 2019 South Bruce Peninsula Heritage Award for achieving signing an Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) agreement. The agreement removes 11 acres of land from cultivation on both sides of Spring Creek. 2400 trees were planted on the 11 acres in 2018; additionally Heather planted 2000 trees on the farm in 2019 thus, further protecting a natural Heritage Feature called Spring Creek; this is a creation of the huge Hepworth Karst Drainage System.
The Hepworth Club thank the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and Meridian Credit Union for funding the purchase of elderberry shrubs to be planted along Spring Creek.
Bill Nafziger,
Hepworth Anglers Club
Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority gives green light to Truax Dam project in Walkerton

Reminder the O.S. Derby is this Saturday
REMINDER – Ontario Steelheaders are hosting the annual spring steelhead trout derby at the Denny’s Dam Park located on the Saugeen River – on Saturday May 4th.
Brian will be at the park Friday morning for early registration. The derby starts Saturday at daylight and ends at 5 pm sharp.
Donations of salads and desserts are requested Hamburgers, Hotdogs and non-alcoholic refreshments are supplied.
Salad and Dessert Donations are Requested for the Spring Derby
Ontario Steelheaders are hosting the annual spring steelhead trout derby at the Denny’s Dam Park located on the Saugeen River.
Donations of salads and desserts are requested on May 4th. Hamburgers, Hotdogs and non-alcoholic refreshments are supplied.
Please join us for a great day of fishing, social event for members, families and friends who love to catch steelhead trout. Prizes are awarded for largest steelhead rainbow trout, important information updates and a cozy campfire afterwards. It will be a fun day spent fishing with family and friends.
Truax Dam public info sessions quell fears about ice on Saugeen River
By Adam Bell March 30, 2019 1:10pm
Brockton residents got a first-hand look at plans for the partial removal of the Truax Dam. Engineer Jeff Graham was on hand earlier this week to answer questions from the public, which revolved mostly around safety issues, recreational opportunities, as well as questions around ice, specifically the breakup of ice as it flowed over the dam. The project, which is being financed by Bruce Power, aims to return the Saugeen River to a more natural state. Most questions from the public dealt with ice, as residents noted the dam’s presence creates an incline which breaks up large sheets of ice. Graham assured residents the ice would continue to break up as it continues to flow towards Walkerton.
Engineer Jeff Graham provides a look at what the area will look like after a portion of the Truax Dam is removed (Photo by Adam Bell)
Brockton residents got a first-hand look at plans for the partial removal of the Truax Dam. Engineer Jeff Graham was on hand earlier this week to answer questions from the public, which revolved mostly around safety issues, recreational opportunities, as well as questions around ice, specifically the breakup of ice as it flowed over the dam. The project, which is being financed by Bruce Power, aims to return the Saugeen River to a more natural state. Most questions from the public dealt with ice, as residents noted the dam’s presence creates an incline which breaks up large sheets of ice. Graham assured residents the ice would continue to break up as it continues to flow towards Walkerton.

Engineer Jeff Graham provides a look at what the area will look like after a portion of the Truax Dam is removed (Photo by Adam Bell)
Truax dam to be partially removed
Don Crosby
Published on: March 29, 2019 | Last Updated: March 29, 2019 5:25 PM EDT
Owen Sound Sun Times
Removal of part of the Truax Dam is set to take place in late summer, engineer Jeff Graham said during a public meeting Tuesday. In a presentation attended by about two dozen people, Graham said the dam is old , it’s too far gone to benefit from expensive repairs and there is really no advantage to rebuilding it at a huge cost. There are environmental benefits to removing it and its removal will reduce safety hazards. And removal of the east portion would minimize ice accumulation. Moorefield Construction was the lowest bidder for tenders last fall at $550,000. The company has agreed to hold its bid until the removal takes place. Bruce Power has committed $700,000 toward the removal of the east wing of the dam and related costs. It has also promised an additional $800,000 over the next 10 years to help restore fish habitat above and below the dam increase the number of fish moving down the river toward Lake Huron. The plan calls for removal of the east arm (about 60 feet) but leave the west part intact where a beach area made up of layers of stone and sand would be constructed for safe public use. Graham said there is a provisional plan to install a stairway on the western portion of the dam to allow people who want to access the river to safely get down to the water’s edge. “The main idea of the stairway is for people who are up on the beach or at a higher level and want to get down to the water to launch their canoe or kayak or just get down to the water, even to swim or fish. They can walk down the stairs safely as opposed to trying to walk down the large armour stone which to me is not a safe way to go,” he said. Graham said the dam is currently a barrier to most fish species other than trout and salmon, which are the only species that can use the fish ladder on the east side of the river. The fishway is only useable once the water flow is up around 30 cubic centimetre per second . “And if there a real flood (the fish) will probably never find it.” “The removal of the east portion of the dam will facilitate the movement up and down stream of all fish species just like they did before the dam was built,” said Graham. Graham also noted that removal of the eastern portion of the dam would facilitate movement of ice out of the head pond above the dam. “If the dam is removed we’re always going to have current going through there, the ice will not form in the river; any ice that forms from points further upstream will float in small pieces through town. So there should be a net improvement of ice conditions in Walkerton,” he said. Graham said the bottom of the head pond is quite clean of silt and other debris and he doesn’t expect movement of silt and mud when the portion of the dam is released “There should be no batch release of silt or mud that comes down from the dam because there is no silt or mud stored above the dam.” Graham said he is just waiting for SVCA to sign off on the proposal which has received approval from Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources and the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Brockton council has given preliminary approval for the project. A meeting with council on Tuesday April 9 is expected to complete the approval process.
Published on: March 29, 2019 | Last Updated: March 29, 2019 5:25 PM EDT
Owen Sound Sun Times
Removal of part of the Truax Dam is set to take place in late summer, engineer Jeff Graham said during a public meeting Tuesday. In a presentation attended by about two dozen people, Graham said the dam is old , it’s too far gone to benefit from expensive repairs and there is really no advantage to rebuilding it at a huge cost. There are environmental benefits to removing it and its removal will reduce safety hazards. And removal of the east portion would minimize ice accumulation. Moorefield Construction was the lowest bidder for tenders last fall at $550,000. The company has agreed to hold its bid until the removal takes place. Bruce Power has committed $700,000 toward the removal of the east wing of the dam and related costs. It has also promised an additional $800,000 over the next 10 years to help restore fish habitat above and below the dam increase the number of fish moving down the river toward Lake Huron. The plan calls for removal of the east arm (about 60 feet) but leave the west part intact where a beach area made up of layers of stone and sand would be constructed for safe public use. Graham said there is a provisional plan to install a stairway on the western portion of the dam to allow people who want to access the river to safely get down to the water’s edge. “The main idea of the stairway is for people who are up on the beach or at a higher level and want to get down to the water to launch their canoe or kayak or just get down to the water, even to swim or fish. They can walk down the stairs safely as opposed to trying to walk down the large armour stone which to me is not a safe way to go,” he said. Graham said the dam is currently a barrier to most fish species other than trout and salmon, which are the only species that can use the fish ladder on the east side of the river. The fishway is only useable once the water flow is up around 30 cubic centimetre per second . “And if there a real flood (the fish) will probably never find it.” “The removal of the east portion of the dam will facilitate the movement up and down stream of all fish species just like they did before the dam was built,” said Graham. Graham also noted that removal of the eastern portion of the dam would facilitate movement of ice out of the head pond above the dam. “If the dam is removed we’re always going to have current going through there, the ice will not form in the river; any ice that forms from points further upstream will float in small pieces through town. So there should be a net improvement of ice conditions in Walkerton,” he said. Graham said the bottom of the head pond is quite clean of silt and other debris and he doesn’t expect movement of silt and mud when the portion of the dam is released “There should be no batch release of silt or mud that comes down from the dam because there is no silt or mud stored above the dam.” Graham said he is just waiting for SVCA to sign off on the proposal which has received approval from Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources and the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Brockton council has given preliminary approval for the project. A meeting with council on Tuesday April 9 is expected to complete the approval process.