The “Ontario Steelheaders Fall 2013 Adult Steelhead Rainbow Trout Fish Transfer” has begun! We will be using three customized tanker trailers named the “Steelhead Express” to transfer adult steelhead trout upstream on the Saugeen River to Walkerton, Ontario area over the next two weeks. We are simply doing our best to ensure the steelhead rainbow
trout reach spawning beds and natural habitats, bypassing river obstacles and 52 dams located on 85+ kilometers of the Saugeen River and its tributaries like the Beatty and Rocky Saugeen. Much appreciation goes out to the guys who get up and get wet to get this job done!
The Numbers
Permit Allowance: 500
A Sample of Daily Reports
October 17, 2013:
- Salmon: 0
- Steelhead Rainbow Trout: 243
- Brown Trout: 1
October 18, 2013:
- Salmon: 0
- Steelhead Rainbow Trout: 78
- Brown Trout: 3
October 19, 2013:
- Salmon: 4
- Steelhead Rainbow Trout: 43
- Brown Trout: 0
October 20, 2013:
- Salmon: 1
- Steelhead Rainbow Trout: 2
- Brown Trout: 0
- Total Steelhead Trout Transferred: 0
Total Steelhead Trout Lifted: 492
Total Steelhead Trout Transfered: 458
Total Brown Trout Released: 6
Total Chinook Salmon Released: 16
Please note: Fish will not be passing the underwater camera when the basket is down collecting fish for a lift.
Getting Involved
If you would like to get involved helping carry, transport and release fish, or just bring your family to watch us in action, you can visit the Dennys Dam fishway in the mornings and afternoons. Fish transfers ultimately depend on water temperatures, clarity and turbulence. Due to the inconsistency in scheduling, if a fish transfer is scheduled for the next day, we will be listing the next fish lift to this page.
Denny’s Dam Fishway
Latitude: 44.503354
Longitude: -81.330805
If you have any comments on how we can better get you involved, please add a comment below or contact us.