Coastal Conservation Association Oregon
To all those who are working to protect our fisheries, share this with friends and family. Help spread the word.
#ccaoregon #gillnetssuck
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Just a little thinking and a bunch of hard working volunteers.
USFWS Alaska Fisheries and Habitat
Ever been locked out of your house? For us, it’s an inconvenience. For fish, it’s everything. Are your roads fish friendly?
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Ever been locked out of your house? For us, it’s an inconvenience. For fish, it’s everything. Are your roads fish friendly?
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A film about the outdated and poorly maintained oil pipelines running under the Great Lakes and their ability to create a disaster any day. Scary stuff…
Great Lakes, Bad Lines – Full Film
Discover the story of two Michigan born adventurers and their 500-mile, fossil-free journey across the Michigan’s Upper Peninsula along the route of Enbridge…
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Discover the story of two Michigan born adventurers and their 500-mile, fossil-free journey across the Michigan’s Upper Peninsula along the route of Enbridge…
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A must watch…fast and informative
What’s really going on with salmon in Lake Michigan?
It’s been all over the news – the up-and-down dynamic of Chinook salmon in Lake Michigan. What does all this mean? What can the DNR do? What can you do? The …
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It’s been all over the news – the up-and-down dynamic of Chinook salmon in Lake Michigan. What does all this mean? What can the DNR do? What can you do? The …
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another great video from the Wild Steelhead Coalition
Wild Steelhead Coalition
TBT to a beautiful little film about chasing “the unicorn of fish” in the Skeena Watershed. #wildsteelhead
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TBT to a beautiful little film about chasing “the unicorn of fish” in the Skeena Watershed. #wildsteelhead
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Love watching this, Wild salmon at their finest!
Wild Salmon Center
The coho are coming! Get lost in Barking Dog Hole with Chinook, steelhead, sockeye and coho. Find out more about our work to protect wild salmon and steelhead strongholds in Washington:
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The coho are coming! Get lost in Barking Dog Hole with Chinook, steelhead, sockeye and coho. Find out more about our work to protect wild salmon and steelhead strongholds in Washington:
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More progress on the Truax Dam removal on Saugeen River. A public meeting will be held in Walkerton, Ontario Fire Hall on October 5, 2016 at 7PM in regards to the Truax Dam removal.

More progress on the Truax Dam removal on Saugeen River.
A public meeting will be held in Walkerton, Ontario Fire Hall on October 5, 2016 at 7PM in regards to the Truax Dam removal. via Facebook Pages
A great video , a great story and a great organization
Frank Moore Wild Steelhead Sanctuary
Frank Moore has been fly fishing for more than 80 years, he’s dedicated his life to conserving and protecting his home watershed, the North Umpqua. Now we have…
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Frank Moore has been fly fishing for more than 80 years, he’s dedicated his life to conserving and protecting his home watershed, the North Umpqua. Now we have…
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