Please be advised that Denny’s Dam Park will be closed to motor vehicle traffic from December 1st to April 1st. The Ontario Steelheaders (OSH) in cooperation with Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) has had to take upon the expense of having a gate built and installed at the entrance turn to prevent any motor vehicle from entering the park to avoid further damage to the grounds.
Unfortunately, last year someone snow plowed through the park during the winter months and created an extensive amount of damage. This was an expensive repair to the property. Direction from the SVCA was recommended and approved.
The park is owned by to the SVCA and the OSH manages this property for all to enjoy. Remember, we are blessed with some premiere steelhead fishing in Ontario. To ensure that we continue to have access to this property we must we maintain the grounds, as well as, our ongoing work with the fisheries.
The installation of the gate doesn’t mean that people can’t fish here during this time frame; it just means that you cannot drive a motor vehicle into the park area.
Anyone found damaging the park property including the gate will be reported to the Ontario Provincial Police / Local Police Authorities and the SVCA. Charges will be laid under the Criminal Code of Canada and the Conservation Authorities Act of Ontario.
Ontario Steelheaders – Board of Directors
Saugeen Conservation Authority
Any questions, please Contact Us