Fall 2017 KOTD Derby

KOTD Donations requested.

Denny’s Damn Park and The Ontario Steelheaders welcome back “King of the Drift Derby.

The 2017 Fall event will be taking place October 28th.  OS extend our gratitude to KOTD;  and their continued support by requesting donations of salads and/or deserts from park and OS members for the event.

Hope to see you there & tight lines.

October Dusk to Dawn Fishing Regulations

Just a reminder: Night fishing above the south side of the bridge abutments up to Denny’s Dam is closed for the entire month of October for salmon spawning in accordance with the Ministry of Natural Resources regulations.

Fisherman may begin targeting fish 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset.

For example: if sunrise is 7:00 am, fishing is not allowed before until 6:30am. And, if sun set is 7:00pm fishing is allowed until 7:30 pm. Please keep in mind, as winter approaches daylight hours quickly shorten. Please respect the regulations as they are put in place for protecting our fishery.

Dennys Dam Rehabilitation Update

Greetings Everyone,

I have confirmed ‎with GLFC that dredging is to be completed by Friday Sept 22.

Until sediment results come back from the lab, dredgate may be stockpiled onsite, above the high water mark and suitably contained to prevent entry into the water. We are anticipating a significant number of fish next week. This measure was put in place in effort to mitigate adverse impacts and ensure dredging completion by end of this week.

It is anticipated that the dredging work will result in sufficient flow through the fishway to allow fish passage without the addition of stoplogs. If required, additional logs may be added to assist in directing water through the fishway. Under this scenario, logs to direct flow are not going to raise water levels in the construction area.

All fall 2017 work is scheduled to be completed October 1.

Have a great day!
Tracy Allison,
Resources Management Supervisor
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Midhurst District- Owen Sound Field Office

Stream Improvement Update, Hepworth Anglers Club

2017 Spring Creek Restoration Update:

The Hepworth Anglers Club (HAC) is in the midst of its fifth year of Spring Creek Fish fish habitat restoration work. Temporary deployment of a series of portable timber mats and cradles, as shown in the photos, provides access for equipment and habitat restoration materials, while protecting the stream banks, trees and existing in channel structure.

The project contractor is Tom MacDonald Excavating and the team includes student Trevor Hood, HAC members, stream restoration specialist Chris Cummings of Matrix/Parish Aquatics, Dr. James Hamilton and students of Wilfrid Laurier University, with support from various other organizations and individuals.

This year’s work includes embedding cedar tree root wads and crowns into the stream bank to create cover, habitat complexity and local scouring. Creating and enhancing spawning shoals and riffles by placing boulders and angular spawning stone in strategic locations. Installing cedar log “lunkers” to create undercut banks for refuge habitat and planting riparian shrubs to create overhanging cover and stabilize banks. In addition, four side channels have been restored to increase rearing and nursery habitat. Physical aeration and cover structures using natural wood materials will be installed in other side channels. A jump pool below an old mill dam will be restored to enhance fish passage to and from upstream spawning and nursery areas.

Funding for this year’s work was received from the Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program (Fisheries and Oceans Canada) and the Land Stewardship and Habitat Restoration Program (Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry).

Bill Nafziger
Hepworth Anglers Club



Rehabilitation on Dennys Dam has started

Greetings Everyone,

As you are aware, Rehabilitation on Dennys Dam has started. I understand there may be several questions regarding what is being done, and timing of the work.

Denny’s Dam Rehabilitation Project

Facca Inc. has been contracted by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (GLFC) to carry out rehabilitation work for Denny’s Dam. The details are as follows:


The rehabilitation work will include:
● construction of access roads to the north and south ends of the dam <>br ● repairs to the fishway, the north overflow weir, the north wingwall, and the dam toe and abutments
● installation of anchors
● placement of new concrete and downstream erosion protection.


The work will take two seasons:
● 2017, August 28th until October 31st
● 2018, June 15th until October 15th

The Great Lakes Fisheries Commission (GLFC) has additionally posted information about the project on their website and the importance of Dennys Dam to controlling the population of sea lamprey. This article can be accessed at https://www.glc.org/dailynews/2017829-sea-lamprey

A component of the project involves dredging of accumulated sediment around the fish way. Sediment testing, and fate of sediment disposal is scheduled to begin September 11, with sediment removal beginning September 18 with completion by September 22. It is unlikely there will be sufficient water through the fish way during dredging to pass fish. We anticipate sediment removal to take 2-3 days based on previous experience at the site.

I understand there may be concerns pertaining to fish migration, MNRF and the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission are working collaboratively to ensure there are no significant effects. We have confirmed that water is currently running through the fishway and will continue until dredging starts. Dredging will occur as quickly as possible with appropriate mitigation measures being utilized. Water through the fishway will be re-established once dredging is completed. We recognize the importance of this resource.

If there are any significant changes I will ensure the clubs are notified.

Have a wonderful day,

Tracy Allison
Resources Management Supervisor
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Midhurst District- Owen Sound Field Office
Tele (519) 371-6751 cell: 226-668-1072
Email: tracy.allison@ontario.ca

Stan Batog, dedicated angler has passed.

Sadly we report the passing of one of our long time Steelheaders and friend, Stan Batog on August 23rd. A private family service has been held. A memorial service is planned for Stan and will be held Sunday September 17th, 1-4 pm at the “Polish People Home Association,” 1275 Langlois Ave., Windsor ON N8X 4L6. Stan is remembered for his sense of humour and gentle nature – anyone who knew Stan would say, “he was a good man.” We will miss him.

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Passing of Jocelyne Campbell

It is with profound sadness that I must inform our Steelhead community of the passing of Jocelyne Campbell on June 15, 2017 in her 59th year.

Jocelyne Campbell Saugeen RiverMaya Angelou stated “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Jocelyne was a pioneer with respect to fishing the Saugeen as a woman. If it weren’t for Jocelyne I believe that there are many women who may not be as active in fishing this river – I certainly can say that is true for me, as it was Jocelyne who made me feel comfortable to stand there; elbow to elbow with several anglers. 

Jocelyn Campbell Saugeen RiverJocelyne was a dear friend and loved by many and as such, I have full confidence that through us her beautiful spirit will always live on. I will always envision her fishing on HER rock on the Saugeen.

A Celebration of Jocelyne’s Life will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion, Dunsdon Branch, 9 Tollgate Road, Brantford on Monday, July 3, 2017 from 1:30 – 5:00 p.m.  Letters of condolence may be received by the family at www.mccleisterfuneralhome.ca and I would like to encourage everyone to visit the site and share their thoughts. 

The family would like to encourage everyone to attend the Celebration of Life and visit the above website to leave a message that the family can cherish forever.


To all who have been asking how you may help with any part of the Celebration of Life for Jocelyne Campbell, please contact Marlene Topper who is coordinating the event.  She will let you know how anyone may help. Call cell/or 519 7706875 or email topper_2020@yahoo.com

October Dusk to Dawn Fishing Regulations

Just a reminder: Night fishing above the south side of the bridge abutments up to Denny’s Dam is closed for the entire month of October for salmon spawning in accordance with the Ministry of Natural Resources regulations.

Fisherman may begin targeting fish 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset.

For example: if sunrise is 7:00 am, fishing is not allowed before until 6:30am. And, if sun set is 7:00pm fishing is allowed until 7:30 pm. Please keep in mind, as winter approaches daylight hours quickly shorten. Please respect the regulations as they are put in place for protecting our fishery.