The commitment of many on this project has spanned over thirty years.
It all started in many a meeting with the Ministry at a time when we were very lucky to have the best yet, Minister of Natural Resources, Mr. Allan Pope. He was in favour of our ideas, so we just had to convince the Owen Sound MNR and the fly fishing clubs in the area which we did. We were very fortunate in the early 80’s to have a land owner let us use his dam at Orchard Park to install upwelling egg boxes. We later worked with Dofasco and they built one box. New systems taught us how to plant eggs, keep the flow right and build filter boxes.
Things started to show promise and success, and so the next goal was to get a fishway installed at Walkerton. Again, Dofasco came to the rescue and supplied all the rebar and culvert material. Success was coming again and we saw real improvements, but then is all stopped. The Hydro Electric Plant put a poor fishway and return pipe for smolts in at Maple Hill.
All this time, more helpers were at Denny’s Dam working on egg collection. Then we decided to transport adults up stream past the barrier, so we built two transfer trailers. Things started to pick up a little as a result, but we needed more fish coming to the fishway. And so, we cut a notch in the dam and a trench was put in to lead the fish to the fishway. Yet another project was the installation of a hatchery in Mildmay. We provided 200,000 eggs each year to this hatchery for many years. And today, we are making new modifications and fine tuning at Walkerton and Maple Hill fishways.
Through all this, I worked with a great bunch of men and women. Many are still around today, and new faces appear every year. Well done! Thanks to all of you!
In Appreciation
Thank you my friends, for sending donations to various charities in memory of Shirley. For those that sent a cash donation, please know that all of this was sent to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. I’m sure your generosity will help someone. Thank you all for your support and friendship during a difficult time, and always.
Rod Jones