Please join us on Saturday Oct 15th 2011 at Denny’s Conservation Area (Denny’s Park) for our annual Fall Steelhead Derby & River Appreciation Day.
Cash Prizes +++ Great Food+++ Draw Prizes +++ Trophies+++Camping+++General Assembly
Chairman’s address: “Hi everyone! I would like a chance to thank all the people that showed up for the Spring Derby. A lot of fish were caught, and a good time had by all.
A really Big Thanks goes out to all that helped out with the planning of the meal, I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your help. Great job, let’s do it again!
Another thanks goes to the shops and people that donated prizes for the derby, the list is long and thanks for your support. A special THANKS to Hammond Power Solutions of Guelph for their hefty cash donation of $1500 to the club. Way to go Bill Hammond!
Hope to see you all at the Fall Derby, Oct.15. Come on out, bring the kids and have a great day with some new friends. “
Dave Munro.
Social Events Director
Anyone wishing to donate prizes to the DERBY please see Dave or Dar Munro at Denny’s Park, or call at home 519-651-8109. All Prizes Welcome!
Bring the kids!! Join us for a fun day on the river. Take in the sights and sounds of the Saugeen River and join us for dinner and a get together afterwards. Registration is available at Denny‟s Park. Look for the signs..!! Dinner will be served at the Rod Jones Pavilion, where we will have draw prizes, merchandise, club updates, and the derby prizes and trophies will be awarded. Please join us for a great day of socializing with members, important information updates and a cozy campfire afterwards. Overnight camping and day use at Denny‟s Park is available for appreciation day participants and their families. Membership applications are also taken at the ceremonies.
Entry fee: $10.00 adults — $7.00 junior Weigh-in deadline: 5:00 PM Everyone Welcome! Please observe all Ontario Fishing Regulations