Denny’s Dam Reopening June 11, 2021
Denny's Dam Park will Reopen June 11, 2021. Please continue to follow provincial/local public health guidelines while in the park..
Great Lakes Basin Report
Click on the file for the Great Lakes Basin Report March – April 2021.
Spring 2021 Derby
The 2021 Spring Derby tentatively scheduled for May 1st is cancelled per public health guidelines.
Saugeen River Truax Dam Removal 2020 Monitoring Summary
Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority – Announcement
Saugeen Conservation welcomes the provincial announcement about the beginning of camping season… BUT… it pertains to provincial parks. Saugeen Conservation Campgrounds will be preparing for the camping season in the coming days but they are NOT open for this May long weekend. Access to our trails and all of our properties remain closed at this time as well while we under take the necessary work to re-open. Please check the SVCA website or Facebook page for up to date information.
Correct Contact Information
Please note the correct contact information for Karl Redin is 519-771-1780