Ontario Steelheaders fall derby was another great success, while it was a gorgeous day the fishing could have been a bit better. There was a big turnout and it was great to see all the new faces.

Congratulations to all the winners:
First place Mike McDonald 8lbs 10oz

Second place Daratt Gutschen 6 lbs 7oz

Third place Chad Southern 5 lbs 13oz

Live release 23″ Lance Crawford

As always it’s great to see young people attending these events. Not only will they develop an appreciation for the sport but we hope that they will one day be the ones who continue the important work of preserving this fantastic resource that we are so very lucky to have.

The Ontario Steelheaders would like to thank the Sponsors for their generous donations to the prizes and raffle table.
Angling Outfitter https://anglingoutfitters.net
Centerpin Angling https://www.centerpinangling.com/#gsc.tab=0
Cozy girlie https://www.instagram.com/cozygirlie95
Junction 4 & 19 https://www.facebook.com/junction419?mibextid=ZbWKwL
Lake Huron Fishing Club https://lakehuronfishingclub.com
Raven Tackle https://raventackle.com

Thank you to all the volunteers that made the day a success. Paul Drmay and Pete Pierce on the BBQ’s. Shelley Davidson and Brittany Doherty selling raffle tickets. Thanks to all those who donated desserts and salads.

And of course a HUGE THANK YOU Chris Doherty, OS Derby Director for your hard work in making the day another big success.