The Ontario Steelheaders hold two steelhead rainbow trout derbies each year at Denny’s Dam Park (Denny’s) on the Saugeen River near Southampton. The first fishing derby is early in May one week after the season opens for rainbow trout and the second is in October, the Saturday following Thanksgiving. The Spring and Fall derbies are social events for members, families and friends to enjoy the fishery and meet new and old friends. This is a great opportunity to do some fishing, have a few laughs and join us for dinner (BBQ, salads and desserts) and prizes afterwards. Ontario Steelheaders merchandise such as hats, t-shirts, and jackets, will be available for purchase throughout the day. Dinner will be served at Denny’s in the Rod Jones Pavilion, where the derby prizes and trophies will be awarded. Followed by prize table draws, as well as a 50/50 draw.
Everyone is welcome! Overnight camping and day use at Denny's is available for participants and their families. To become a member membership applications are available at the Derby, or you can click the link below. Cash prizes and trophies are awarded in three categories: 1. the largest rainbow trout (1st, 2nd and 3rd), 2. Largest live trout release upon authentication of length and girth measurements and 3. a junior category for largest rainbow trout. Bring the kids, bring your friends! Join us for a fun day on the river.
Next Spring Derby
May 3, 2025 -- 7AM - 4PM
The 2025 Spring Derby is tentatively scheduled for May 3, 2025. Typically, the spring steelhead trout derby is held on the Saturday following the Ontario Rainbow Trout Opener.
Next Fall Derby
October 18, 2025 -- 7AM - 4PM
The 2025 Spring Derby is tentatively scheduled for October 18, 2025. Typically, the fall steelhead trout derby is held the Saturday following Canadian Thanksgiving.
This event begins early morning, for a day of fishing the river and wraps-up with dinner, awards and raffles. Registration is available at Denny's. Look for the signs in the park.