The 1000 fish “Hail Mary”
As everyone watched the rising temperature trend that began around the middle of February we began to wonder how it would affect the spring runs, and how it would affect the Ontario Steelheaders annual Spring Adult Transfer effort. Around Feb 22nd, it became evident that if we didn’t jump in to action, we might miss the runs altogether. Little did we know, but Mother Nature was holding the ball, and she was about the throw it our way.
The Steelheaders sprang into action. E-mails and phone calls were exchanged between directors, project managers and volunteers and we all got to work immediately. The guys down south got the necessary repairs done, and delivered the #1 tanker just in time. Darryl wasted no time working with MNR to adjust the start date on the permit to March1 from March 15th; effectively giving us a 2 week advantage on the weather. Arrangements were hastily made with the crew at Denny’s Dam to adjust their schedule, and everyone was on board! It took a lot of collaboration, and nothing short of an impressive display of teamwork and personal sacrifice, but everything came together. Just then, a forecast was issued for two days of temperatures in the mid 20’s. We were ready to receive a “Hail Mary”.

- A spring-run steelhead glides gently from an Ontario Steelheaders Adult Transfer Program net.
In just 4 days; like a well-oiled machine, the Ontario Steelheaders transported 1000 adult steelhead to the pristine waters of the Beatty Saugeen to carry out their ”business”. As temperatures soared, so did the numbers in the trap. We caught everything she could throw at us! Running up to three 140 KM round trips a day; the crews worked hard, long, and fast. Many of the experienced and novice volunteers remarked that they had never seen a more concentrated run than this in as many years as steelhead have run the Saugeen.
It was a real eye opener to some new volunteers. Comments like:” You guys really earn it” and “absolutely remarkable teamwork and dedication” were typical of the comments streaming in. All of this was accomplished without a single hitch other than a flat tire which was quickly repaired. Big kudos to Grant and the fishway crew, Darryl and Rod for getting things started up, MNR for getting us the paperwork we needed and of course to the crew of volunteers and drivers that took over on the weekend to finish the job. Nice Work Guys!
These spectacular fish are now sitting in some of the best rainbow trout spawning and nursery habitat the watershed has to offer. The Ontario Steelheaders lent them a “Helping Hand”, and brought them safely to their ultimate destination, past major obstacles, in record time. Like a great team; all of us had our eye on the ball!
Remember, Please, we need your assistance to keep great program rolling!
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