As you may recall, a Memorial Plaque was affixed to the main rafter centered in the Rod Jones Pavilion and then officially dedicated last November. The inscription is to remember someone who has been a part of our park family in one way or another. Now you may place a small memorial plaque of a family member, friend or acquaintance that you wish to add to the main plaque rafter.
The park management together with the board of directors is asking that we initiate a standard for the mini plaques which will be no larger than 3 inches by 5 inches.
The plaque will be a black background with white lettering. The cost of each plaque will be $13.00 which includes the HST.
To oversee this process, you can forward the name(s) to:
David Allen
6434 Bellevue Street,
Niagara Falls, ON L2E1Z1
Please include a check or money order made payable: Dave Allen
You can also use our contact page to contact Dave Allen directly via email.
Please be advised that Denny’s Dam Park will be closed to motor vehicle traffic from December 1st to April 1st. The Ontario Steelheaders (OSH) in cooperation with Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) has had to take upon the expense of having a gate built and installed at the entrance turn to prevent any motor vehicle from entering the park to avoid further damage to the grounds.
Unfortunately, last year someone snow plowed through the park during the winter months and created an extensive amount of damage. This was an expensive repair to the property. Direction from the SVCA was recommended and approved.
The park is owned by to the SVCA and the OSH manages this property for all to enjoy. Remember, we are blessed with some premiere steelhead fishing in Ontario. To ensure that we continue to have access to this property we must we maintain the grounds, as well as, our ongoing work with the fisheries.
The installation of the gate doesn’t mean that people can’t fish here during this time frame; it just means that you cannot drive a motor vehicle into the park area.
Anyone found damaging the park property including the gate will be reported to the Ontario Provincial Police / Local Police Authorities and the SVCA. Charges will be laid under the Criminal Code of Canada and the Conservation Authorities Act of Ontario.
Ontario Steelheaders – Board of Directors
Saugeen Conservation Authority
After a long winter, we are all eager to begin enjoying the park amenities and spending time fishing the river for fresh steelhead.
Once the flood waters recede, we will begin pulling in trailers to the park as they are accessible; there is quite a bit of snow still in the farm field.
I must once again remind everyone to follow the park rules especially late night noise. It is part of our contract with the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority that we must control excessive noise at all times.
This year, we have another series of events going on at the park. Some of them include spring trout opener, spring derby, Canada Day party, fall derby and more. Stay tuned to our website for updates on events held at the park. You can find a map and more info about the park on our website:
I have to bite my tongue and report to you all, that in January of this winter, an unauthorized driver of a motor vehicle equipped with a snow plow had blazed a trail from the turnaround into the park right up to the end by the fire pit. This act of stupidity and laziness will cost the club thousands of dollars to repair. Once the way was cleared, others followed as it is easier to drive to the river than park up top and walk to the park.
But as you can see in the picture, one person was not so lucky – right up to the axles – what was the cost to get the car towed out?
As a result of these actions caused by a few, we are now creating a plan to install a steel main gate at the turnaround thus preventing this from happening again. The gate will be closed at the end of November of each year and only reopened at the discretion of the park manager!
Backgrounder: Denny’s Dam Conservation Area property was once privately owned. At the time of sale, the owners wanted the land to be maintained for public access to the river, as a result of donations from sportsmen and other funding; The SVCA acquired the land and kept it open to the public. In 1996 The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority announced that Denny’s Dam Conservation Area would be closed to the public due to financial constraints. The possibility existed that the property may even be sold.
The Ontario Steelheaders, consistent with its mandate, approached the Authority with an offer to lease the Park and co- manage it in order to ensure continuing access for all resource users. This resulted in a significant financial commitment to the Ontario Steelheaders. Monies generated by our activities at Denny’s Park, are from time to time earmarked for park improvements and fisheries enhancement projects. Our committee works diligently to collect funds, and to run the park efficiently, in order to make these ventures possible. The Ontario Steelheaders would like to thank everyone for their timely payments which make these and other improvements to our park and our fishery possible. Thank you! It’s your park! Use it, respect it, and support it! – Enjoy your stay!
Scouts return to Denny’s!
The Scouts at Denny's Dam Park 6 Scouts, 1 Venturer and 3 Leaders travelled from Brantford in September to Denny’s Dam Park as part of their
reward camp for a successful past Scouting year. To add to their excitement of this camp, the youth were
informed of a bear in camp just the week before arriving. Yikes! The weather man challenged their camping
skills, but thanks to the Rod Jones Pavilion, the Troop stayed out of the wind and rain.
Scouts Collecting GarbageFive and half hours were spent stacking wood and cleaning up from the trees that were taken down by the
Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority. Seven bags of garbage were collected from along the river’s edge and throughout the park.
Scouts Visit Trout Hatchery Thanks also to Steve Carvell who gave an informative tour of the Lake Huron Fishing Club Hatchery in
Kindardine. The Scouts saw different stages from egg to fry of Brown and Rainbow Trout. The Brown Trout were
to be released this fall. We were advised the Rainbows would be held back for a spring release in 2013.
Conservation is part of the Scout badge work and this was also their good deed to give back. Karl Redin explained at
Denny’s Dam how the fish are handled and transported in the tankers. We’d like to thank the Steelheaders for giving these
young people the opportunity to see first-hand, the great work the Steelheaders do for the park and the fishery.
Steelhead Express & ScoutsScouts Thank You Letter
OS T-shirts
We received this note from SVSA
…“I stopped in this week at Denny’s…. just a note to say that the site looks great!…Thanks! Please let your volunteers know that we do appreciate how well the site is maintained and probably do not say it often enough.”
Al Leach, BSc
Manager of Lands
Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority
Backgrounder: In 1996 The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority announced that Denny’s Dam Conservation Area would be closed to the public due to financial constraints. The possibility existed that the property may even be sold.
The Ontario Steelheaders, consistent with its mandate, approached the Authority with an offer to lease the Park and co-manage it in order to ensure continuing access for all resource users. This resulted in a significant financial commitment to the Ontario Steelheaders. Monies generated by our activities at Denny’s Park, are from time to time earmarked for park improvements and fisheries enhancement projects. Our committee works diligently to collect funds, and to run the park efficiently, in order to make these ventures possible. The Ontario Steelheaders would like to thank everyone for their timely payments which make these and other improvements to our park and our fishery possible. Thank you! It’s your park! Use it, respect it, and support it!
Chairman’s Address:
Once again campers welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed our “great” Canadian winter and may we have an equally nice summer.
Thought maybe you would like to know where some of your money went last year.
Transfer to Fisheries Projects
Waste Management (dumpster)
Saugeen Consveration Authority (Park Lease)
Septic & Portable Rental
Banking Fees
This year we purchased a new mower for Doug to continue keeping our park in such great shape. The only thing he’s missing is a racing stripe on his new black machine!
Denny’s Dam Saugeen River Park Project
I must once again remind everyone to follow the park rules especially late night noise. It is part of our contract with the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority that we must control excessive noise at all times. Thanks to everyone for their help last year and I am looking forward to seeing you all soon! On behalf of camp committee; thank you!
Gary Sherman
Denny’s Park Project Director Ontario Steelheaders
Published by Gary Sherman
Source: Fall 2011 Ontario Steelheaders Newsletter
Backgrounder: In 1996 The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority announced that Denny’s Dam Conservation Area would be closed to the public due to financial constraints. The possibility existed that the property may even be sold.
The Ontario Steelheaders, consistent with its mandate, approached the Authority with an offer to lease the Park and co-manage it in order to ensure continuing access for all resource users. This resulted in a significant financial commitment to the Ontario Steelheaders. Monies generated by our activities at Denny’s Park, are from time to time earmarked for park improvements and fisheries enhancement projects. Our committee works diligently to collect funds, and to run the park efficiently, in order to make these ventures possible. The Ontario Steelheaders would like to thank everyone for their timely payments which make these and other improvements to our park and our fishery possible. Thank you! It’s your park! Use it, respect it, and support it!
Chairman’s address:
Well here it is fall already, seems like just yesterday we were busting up ice bergs just to get into the park. The spring ice jam certainly created havoc with the camp but through efforts of a lot of people it was brought back into shape.
Some of the camp improvements this year are the placing of speed limit signs, a new collection box which is more secure to collect funds and a new portable toilet at the west end of the park. We would like to thank everyone who helped in any manner in maintaining and improving the park.
There are two projects that need to be singled out:
Washroom Roof Improvements
First, is the placement of a concrete floor and eaves trough at the Rod Jones Pavilion; I know a number of people were involved in the labour portion of this project but special recognition is to be given to Derek Czarnota (Derek‟s Construction) for the donation of all materials required for this project.
The other is the new roof for the washrooms. Bob Pfaff spent a large portion of his holidays installing the new roof with donated materials that he required. These materials were given to us by Mr. Tom Ware of Hy-Grade Steel Roofing in Guelph. Once again thanks to everyone for efforts that make our park what it is.
Left: Ontario Steelheaders Volunteers replace the roof of the privy at Denny’s Park
On a different note I would like to remind everyone that the use of abusive, insulting or threatening language, making excessive noise or disturbing other persons is forbidden in Denny‟s Park and on all SVCA properties. The vast majority of our users enjoy the park for what it is, and respect the regulations. The minority, I ask you to rethink why you are here and join with us to ensure that our park will be here for everyone‟s enjoyment far into the future. Please be mindful of your neighbours.
I do not want to leave you with the idea that the news is all bad because it is far from that. We hosted three youth groups this year at no charge that enjoyed our facility and were very thankful for our hospitality.
Through park revenues generated, we donated $100 to the Goderich Relief Fund, $2,000 to the Lake Huron Fishing Club for the rearing of smolts and transferred $4000 to the Ontario Steelheaders Fisheries Enhancement Team to help with their work.
The Saugeen Conservation Authority and its board members toured the park and were very impressed with the park and the work the Ontario Steelheaders do as a whole.
It has been a learning year for your committee and I would like to thank each of them for their efforts. I know there were times you felt like walking away but stayed. Through your hard work, take pride in the accomplishments of this year.
Project Chair, Gary Sherman
Backgrounder: In 1996 The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority announced that Denny’s Dam Conservation Area would be closed to the public due to financial constraints. The possibility existed that the property may even be sold.The Ontario Steelheaders, consistent with its mandate, approached the Authority with an offer to lease the Park and co-manage it in order to ensure continuing access for all resource users. This resulted in a significant financial commitment to the Ontario Steelheaders. Monies generated by our activities at Denny’s Park, are from time to time earmarked for park improvements and fisheries enhancement projects. Our committee works diligently to collect funds, and to run the park efficiently, in order to make these ventures possible. The Ontario Steelheaders would like to thank everyone for their timely payments which make these and other improvements to our park and our fishery possible. Thank you! It’s your park! Use it, respect it, and support it!
Chairman’s Address:
Well here it is fall already, seems like just yesterday we were busting up ice bergs just to get into the park. The spring ice jam certainly created havoc with the camp but through efforts of a lot of people it was brought back into shape.
Some of the camp improvements this year are the placing of speed limit signs, a new collection box which is more secure to collect funds and a new portable toilet at the west end of the park. We would like to thank everyone who helped in any manner in maintaining and improving the park.
There are two projects that need to be singled out:
First, is the placement of a concrete floor and eaves trough at the Rod Jones Pavilion; I know a number of people were involved in the labour portion of this project but special recognition is to be given to Derek Czarnota (Derek‟s Construction) for the donation of all materials required for this project.
The other is the new roof for the washrooms. Bob Pfaff spent a large portion of his holidays installing the new roof with donated materials that he required. These materials were given to us by Mr. Tom Ware of Hy-Grade Steel Roofing in Guelph. Once again thanks to everyone for efforts that make our park what it is.
On a different note I would like to remind everyone that the use of abusive, insulting or threatening language, making excessive noise or disturbing other persons is forbidden in Denny‟s Park and on all SVCA properties. The vast majority of our users enjoy the park for what it is, and respect the regulations. The minority, I ask you to rethink why you are here and join with us to ensure that our park will be here for everyone‟s enjoyment far into the future. Please be mindful of your neighbours.
I do not want to leave you with the idea that the news is all bad because it is far from that. We hosted three youth groups this year at no charge that enjoyed our facility and were very thankful for our hospitality.
Through park revenues generated, we donated $100 to the Goderich Relief Fund, $2,000 to the Lake Huron Fishing Club for the rearing of smolts and transferred $4000 to the Ontario Steelheaders Fisheries Enhancement Team to help with their work.
The Saugeen Conservation Authority and its board members toured the park and were very impressed with the park and the work the Ontario Steelheaders do as a whole.
It has been a learning year for your committee and I would like to thank each of them for their efforts. I know there were times you felt like walking away but stayed. Through your hard work, take pride in the accomplishments of this year.