The Ontario Steelheads in cooperation with Lake Huron Fishing Club has completed a another mobile transfer of adult steelhead trout up river. The transfer is conducted with custom aquariums on wheels and travel over 50 miles upriver, aiding the steelhead (rainbow trout) overcome many of the obstacles such as the 20+ dams on the Saugeen River. The fish were really moving over the past week, one thousand adults steelhead rainbow trout averaging 10-15lbs each were lifted at Denny’s Dam and transported in 3.5 days!
The Saugeen River Steelhead transfer program has come to a close and we will not be transferring fish. It is undetermined if the program will be re-implemented in the future. The hard work and resources poured into this program by the hard working volunteers of the LHFC and Ontario Steelheaders is remarkable to say the least. Thank you to everyone involved.